Highland Animal Hospital
Phone Icon (651) 432-0913

Separate Dog & Cat Waiting Rooms

Monday–Friday, 8am–6pm

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Call To Schedule: (651) 432-0913
Emergency Services Available
Monday–Friday, 7am–6pm |  Saturday, 9:30am–1:00pm | Sunday, 11am-noon

Dog Check Up

Veterinary Services
Dental Care Services
Spay and Neuter

Pet Spay and Neutering in St. Paul, MN, for Dogs and Cats

Our primary goal at Highland Animal Hospital is to keep your pet healthy. One of the biggest ways we can do so by preventing future problems is through a spay or neuter surgery. Spays and neuters are an easy way to prevent diseases like cancers, masses, and infections that can be seen later on. In addition, pets who are spayed and neutered tend to host a longer lifespan than those who are intact.

Spaying and neutering have many benefits for both you and your pet. If yours hasn’t already had this procedure, please make an appointment with Highland Animal Hospital to perform the surgery your pet needs. For more than 52 years, we have been the office that locals trust for pet spay and neutering in St. Paul, MN.

Anesthetic safety and proper pain management are a high priority for our professionals, so you can trust that your little one will be comfortable. Our veterinarian services are designed to offer the best care possible to help our furry friends live longer and happier lives.

So, what should you expect from a spay/neuter surgery?

Spays and neuters are very routine surgeries at our clinic and your pet will be in great hands with one of our skilled veterinarians. And although it’s a very routine procedure, it is still a surgery that comes with its own set of risks. So, we ask that we see your pet prior to their surgery date for a physical exam to make sure they’re healthy enough for the procedure. Additionally, the doctor can recommend any pre-anesthetic bloodwork that’s deemed necessary in case there are any concerns or precautions about your pet being in an anesthetic environment.

The day before your pet’s surgery, one of our techs will give you a call to go over fasting and drop-off protocol and answer any additional questions you may have.

On the day of your pet’s surgery, some surgeries will spend the following night with us for observation before they’re ready to go home the following morning, and some will be ready to go home same-day. Our staff will provide guidance on how long your pet will be staying with us post-surgery well before their surgery date.

The doctor will answer any of your questions over the phone and when you pick up your pet, one of our knowledgeable technicians will go over the discharge instruction sheet that you can take home for reference.


Dog and Puppy in St. Paul, MN

The Medical Benefits of Pet Spaying and Neutering

You often hear about the behavioral benefits, but there are several medical ones as well. In the case of female cats and dogs, they see an increase in their lifespan and overall quality of life. They even have fewer uterine infections and breast tumors. Spaying your pet before she has her first heat is the best way to protect her from these diseases.

Male dogs also see a decline in cancer rates after sterilization. Pet neutering helps to prevent testicular cancer and some prostate problems as well. By choosing to have your pet spayed or neutered by our vet, you are choosing to give them a better quality of life. This long-term investment is one of the best you can make.

Behavioral Benefits to Sterilization Pet Surgery

Many of sterilization’s advantages apply to male animals. However, one of the biggest applies to females, as they no longer go into heat. Heat cycles vary, but in female cats, it usually lasts 4-5 days every three weeks during the breeding season. To attract a mate, females yowl and urinate more frequently--often all over the house. Our veterinarian can put a stop to that.

Dog and cat neutering is where you see many of the long-term behavioral improvements. Male dogs are less likely to run away from home to find a mate, which can save them from getting injured or killed. Neutered males also tend to behave better and be less aggressive thanks to lower testosterone. They urinate less since they don’t feel as much need to mark their territory. Plus, your dog might be less likely to mount other dogs, people, and objects.

Contact us to arrange the procedure for your pet. Dogs and cats of all breeds visit our office from St. Paul, Highland Park, and Summit Hill, Minnesota, and the nearby areas.